Release notes

Features and improvements we've recently shipped.

July 24, 2018

Roadmap and changelog notifications

Dylan Feltus
Get notified when requests you created or follow get added to the roadmap or changelog.
March 28, 2018

Merge requests

Dylan Feltus
Now you can merge requests together. This will merge comments, votes, and preserve the merged details but delete one of the requests.
March 25, 2018

Archive requests

Dylan Feltus
With this change you can archive requests instead of deleting them completely.
March 24, 2018

Move requests directly to changelog

Dylan Feltus
Now you can move a request directly to the changelog without adding to the roadmap.
January 23, 2018

Sections on roadmap

Dylan Feltus
Add sections to your roadmap to stay organized.
December 11, 2017

User mentions

Dylan Feltus
Now you can mention users in your account and they will get notified.
December 09, 2017

Support markdown

Dylan Feltus
Support markdown when editing Requests and Comments.
December 08, 2017

Make requests followable

Dylan Feltus
This adds the option to follow a request and get notified on updates.
December 07, 2017


Dylan Feltus
Now you will get email notifications when someone comments on a request you've created.
November 05, 2017

Make categories editable

Dylan Feltus
Now you can change your account categories and add more.